Monday, April 30, 2012

Introduction Of Princess Julliett

Hello semua,

Hari ini, saya nak introduce princess Julliett Kucing baru saya, welcome to the group princess Julliett, actually I beli julliett kat someone tp time I beli julliet bulu dia gugur & bergumpal, x vaksin & deworm lagi , kalau x ade halangan insyallah this week nak hantar julliett & Romeo pergi klinik:), here I attach Gambar Julliett.

Video DD & Genevie

Video DD & Genevie Berbulan madu

DD & Genevie Berkawin

Hi Everyone,

Moga2 perkhawinan di antara DD & Genevie mampu melahirkan generasi yg cute2 di masa hadapan, kita akan post gambar2 Genevie Khawin dgn DD , Dibawah ni gamba2 diorang sedang berkhawin


DD Suami Genevie

Hi Everyone,

Ini dia DD , kucing kawan kite yg gebu,selepas beberapa perbincangan persetujuan antara kedua dua pihak dipersetujui  utk DD dikhawinkan dgn Genevie, DD dah berusia 7 tahun tp masih power lagi okay. Kite hantar Genevie ke Cheras utk dikhaiwnkan dgn DD,  

3 Tier Cat Cage

Hello Everyone,

I just bought 3 tiercat cage for my cat, normally Romeo & Tiara will be in the cage as for Genevie & Julliett both of them will be free to go around the apartment, sounds not fair for Tiara & Romeo but this is the best for them, Here the sample of the cage that I bought


Best Food for my Cat

Hello Everyone,

I just would like to share the food that my cat having currently which Royal Canin,

Princess Genevie = Queen 34 & Hair&skin

Princess Julliett = Queen 34 & Persian Adult

Princess Tiara = Persian Adult & Hair&skin

Romeo = Persian Adult & Hair&skin

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cara Membela Anak Kucing

Salam semua,
Hari ini saya ingin berkongksi dgn anda 1o cara terbaik untuk membela anak kucing, jadi renung-renungkan la yer.
Anda telah memilih untuk membela anak kucing, dan sekarang anda telah bersedia untuk memilikinya. Penjagaan anak kucing yang rapi adalah penting, ini kerana ia akan mencerminkan bagaimana anak kucing ini akan menjadi dewas kelak. Berikut adalah 10 cara untuk anak kucing anda membesar dengan penuh yakin, dan penuh kasih sayang sehingga umur menjadi kucing dewasa.
1. Pastikan anda dan keluarga anda bersedia terlebih dahulu, sebelum kedatangan anak kucing. Anda juga perlu menyediakan keperluan asas membela kucing seperti, permainan, makanan, tandas kucing, alat mencakar, dan tempat rehat atau tidur. Ini akan mencepatkan anda menyesuaikan kucing baru dengan suasana baru.

2. Sentiasa membelai anak kucing anda. Belaian dari seorang tuan boleh membentuk seekor kucing yang patuh pada peraturan dan rasa disayangi. Jangan sesekali berkasar dengan anak kucing anda. Perasaan takut boleh terbawa-bawa sehingga dewasa atau selamanya.
3. Pastikan anda memberi perhatian berat dan jagaan rapi kepada anak kucing setiap hari. Ini termasuk, “grooming”, mencuci muka (kawasan sekitar mata dan hidung), dan mencuci telinga. Anda tidak perlu terlalu kerap memandikan kucing, hanya mandi jika kucing dalam keadaan kotor. Jika anak kucing berasa selesa dengan semua aktiviti ini, akan menjadi mudah untuk anda melakukannya apabila anak kucing menjadi dewasa.

4. Kenalkan kucing anda dengan seluruh kawasan rumah anda. Ini termasuk, ahli keluarga, kanak-kanak, haiwan peliharaan, dan lain lain. Dengan melakukan semua ini, anda akan membuat kucing kesayangan anda berasa lebih yakin dengan suasana baru, dan gembira.
5. Bermain dan bercakap dengan nya setiap hari. Kucing yang bosan akan sering melakukan kerosakan di rumah. Seperti merosakkan perabot rumah. Kerap bermain dan melayan kucing anda akan merapatkan lagi hubungan anda dengan nya. Semua ini bagi mengelakkan kucing anda hidup dalam kebosanan.
6. Sediakan makanan yang pelbagai dan sesuai untuk anak kucing. Ini bagi memastikan anak kucing anda akan biasa dengan pelbagai jenis diet, dan mengurangkan masalah cerewet.

 7. Memberi teguran awal adalah penting. Anak kucing juga seperti kanak-kanak kecil. Mereka suka mencuba sesuatu yang diluar jangkaan. Contoh nya, mencakar sofa, menggigit, melompat ke tempat yang tinggi, mencakar langsir, dan lain lain. Jika anak kucing anda melakukan semua ini, cuba hentikan mereka dengan mengatakan “Stop” atau “JANGAN” (jangan menjerit, guna nada suara yang rendah sahaja), dan alih kan anak kucing ke tempat lain, jauh dari tempat kejadian tadi. Adalah mudah untuk mengajar anak kucing sewaktu mereka kecil berbanding mengajar kucing dewasa. Maka, anda perlu membuat undang-undang kepada anak kucing – yang boleh di buat, dan tidak boleh di buat, tempat yang boleh di masuki dan tempat yang di larang. Kucing adalah haiwan yang mudah memahami kehendak kita.
8. Jangan terlalu “memberi muka” kepada anak kucing anda. Sesetengah anak kucing anak mengeluarkan bunyi “meow” yang berpanjangan jika tidak dapat apa yang mereka mahu. Jika ada melayan kehendak kucing anda dengan salah, tabiat mengeluarkan bunyi “meow” yang berpanjangan anak menjadi kebiasaan sehingga dewasa.

9. Pastikan keadaan kucing anda selamat. Jauhi mereka dari bergaduh, jatuh dari tempat yang tinggi, di buli oleh kanak-kanak, atau haiwan haiwan seperti anjing. Jika ini sering berlaku, ia akan memberi impak negative apabila dewasa kelak.
10. Terima anak kucing anda seperti seorang bayi yang penuh dengan semangat dan tenaga. Anda harus terima kerosakkan yang dilakukan oleh seekor anak kucing. Jika anda mahu kucing, terima lah apa juga keadaan sekali pun. Ia bukan nya sesuatu yang mudah.

Malaysian Favourite cat food

Salam Everyone,

Today I would like to share about our malaysian favourite cat food, which is really a wise choice , sometimes we are willing to spend more just to make sure our little babies get the best , Here we go some of the sample cat food.

Ini adalah 5 Jenis brand makanan kucing yg terkenal di malaysia, tetapi my babies lebih kepada royal canin sbb penuh dgn zat dan kalsium yang tinggi , macam iklan susu anlene pulak,bagaimana dengan pilihan anda, berikanlah yang terbaik untuk si comel anda.


Hari Pertama 3 Sekawan Berjmpa


Ini story 3 sekawan yg baru berjumpa, reaksi masing2 sangat menakutkan sbb ade tanda2 perbalahan mungkin akan berlaku, alhamdullilah selepas berkenalan antara satu sama yg lain, genevie, tiara & romeo menjadi semakin akrab sehingga hari ini, harap2 boleh berkekalan abadi, kat bawah ni ade gambar mereka bertiga
~~ Beribu Sesalan~~

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tips Penjagaan Anak Kucing

Salam semua,

Hari ini saya nak berkongsi tentang penjagaan anak kucing yang baru lahir, bukan mudah untuk menjaga anak kucing lebih-lebih lagi anak kucing parsi jadi dipersilakan membaca cara-cara menjaga anak kucing yg baru lahir.

Anak kucing yang baru dilahirkan masih terlalu lemah untuk melawan sebarang penyakit. Oleh itu, anak kucing anda perlu mempunyai antibodi di dalam badan. Namun antibodi anak kucing selalunya diperolehi dari induknya sendiri iaitu melalui air susu ibunya. Kolostrum adalah cecair pra susu yang dihasilkan dari puting susu induk setelah melahirkan anak dalam masa 48 jam pertama. Air susu ini berwarna keputihan serta kental dan ia mengandungi protein antibodi, vitamin dan beberapa nutrisi seperti immunoglobin, lactoferrin, lactalbumin, glycoprotein, cytokine dan lain-lain yang berkesan untuk melawan virus seperti bakteria, kulat, alergi dan toksin.

Kolostrum mengandungi khasiat yang lebih tinggi daripada susu dan ia sebenarnya membekalkan faktor imun untuk menyokong kehidupan dan faktor pertumbuhan bagi menjamin kesihatan dan daya hidup kepada anak kucing anda yang baru lahir.

Antibodi ialah proten yang berbentuk molekul besar yang akan berpecah menjadi kecil di dalam sistem pencernaan. Hanya setelah 24 jam tempoh air susu yang keluar kebiasaannya tidak akan mengandungi kolostrum lagi. Oleh itu anak kucing yang baru di lahirkan harus diberikan susu segera supaya mendapat antibodi yang masih mengandungi kolostrum. Kemudian, barulah kita boleh memberikan vaksin untuk menggantikan antibodi melalui susu induknya. Untuk pengetahuan anda, tidak semua antibodi yang terdapat dalam kolostrum akan memberi kebaikan kepada anak kucing anda. Jika anak kucing yang mempunyai perbezaan jenis darah dengan induknya kolostrum ini boleh mengancam nyawa anak kucing.

Tempoh kekebalan antibodi dari kolostrum sebenarnya adalah bergantung kepada jumlah antibodi yang terdapat pada induk kucing. Oleh itu jika jumlah antibodi yang terdapat pada induk kucing adalah kurang, maka potensi kekebalan anak kucing juga adalah rendah. Antibodi dalam kolostrum juga dikenali sebagai antibodi maternal. Antibodi maternal yang terdapat pada darah anak kucing akan berkurangan sedikit demi sedikit, dalam tempoh minggu ke 6 – 8. Oleh itu anak kucing sebaik-baiknya diberikan vaksin pada umur 9 minggu, agar anak kucing mempunyai kekebalan antibodi yang cukup untuk melawan sebarang penyakit dan seterusnya barulah anak kucing anda diberikan vaksin mengikut jadual.

sampai di sini sahaja dulu tips penjagaan anak kucing yang baru lahir, saya akan update lagi tips-tips yang lebih menarik.Thank You.


How can you tell if a cat is pregnant

Good morning friends,

Today I would like to share some tips about cat pregnancy , just would like to share with you all, kindly advise me if the info that given is incomplete or not correct.

There are some signs you can watch out for to determine whether your cat is pregnant

  • An increased appetite
  • Swollen nipples that become pinker and softer.
  • Showing more affection than usual.
  • Vomitting, cats sometimes get morning sickness.

It can be hard to tell if your cat is pregnant before 3 weeks. From around the 4th week onwards you should start seeing some signs around the abdomen.

Your vet should be able to confirm the cat pregnancy from the 4th week by feeling around the abdomen area.

How long is a cat pregnant for?

The average cat gestation period is around 60 to 65 days, so roughly 9 weeks.

You can expect your cat to have somewhere between 1 and 8 kittens, although the record at the time of writing this is 19!

Caring for your pregnant cat

There are a few things you can do to help make your cats pregnancy comfortable and healthy.

Ensure your cat is free of worms and fleas, these can harm the kittens. If you suspect that a pregnant cat has either then you should contact your vet for advice. Do not treat her with your usual medicines without first contacting your vet.

Never give a pregnant cat any form of medication without first seeking advice from a vet as it may harm the kittens.

Give your cat a proper diet. A pregnant cat will require increased nutrients and vitamins, kitten food is ideal for this as it will contain the nutrients the unborn fetuses need. You can start introducing kitten food mixed in with normal food, gradually increasing the ratio of kitten food until near full term it is 100% kitten food. You should continue with kitten food during breast feeding as well to ensure the mother is passing on the required nutrients to her kittens. You may find when your cats pregnancy is nearing full term, your cat will not eat large meals because of the increased size of the kittens pressing on the stomach. You should feed her smaller meals more often if this is the case.

Try to avoid feeding your pregnant cat treats and scraps as this will fill her up and make her less likely to eat the more nutritious food she and the kittens need.

Always have fresh, clean water available.

Provide a safe environment for your pregnant cat. Try and keep her indoors. This will help keep her warm and will also help her avoid contact with other animals, reducing the risk of infestations and disease. Avoid uneceessary stresses like loud noises.

Show your cat attention. Your pregnant cat will want comfort and love and will look to you to help make it feel secure.

As your pregnant cat comes near to full term she will start to look for a safe nesting area. You can help by creating one for her . She is going to want to feel safe and secure during birthing, so place this in a quiet, warm area away from drafts and distractions. A cardboard box filled with paper and a soft towel will make an ideal nest. You should avoid using paper with ink that runs, like some newspapers. Place food, fresh water and a litter tray nearby to the nest. You can cut a hole in the box, leaving a lip so that the mother can easily get in and out without the kittens falling out all the time. Leave the lid closed, but easy to open if necessary during an emergency.

Labour day

As your pregnant cat nears full term there are a few signs to look for that labour is close.

  • She may start calling, very similar to when she is on heat.
  • She may start pacing or panting.
  • You may notice some milk leaking from her nipples.
  • She will probably lick more around her vaginal area.

The actual birthing process should be straightforward, your cat will most likely prefer to be left in peace. A lot of cats will purr while giving birth, this is normal and is believed to help with the pain. When a kitten is born, the proud mum will burst the sac covering the kitten and lick the kitten to encourage breathing and circulation. In the case this doesn’t happen you should burst the sac and place the kitten near the mothers mouth to encourage her to lick it. If she still doesn’t lick the kitten then you can replicate this by rubbing the kitten with a soft towel. The mother should also eat all the afterbirth and chew off the umbilical cord, this is quite normal and you should leave her to it as it contains a lot of nutrients.

On average 40% of newborn kittens are breech birth (tail first) this is considered normal.

In the sad case that one of the kittens is stillborn, all you can do is remove it from the birthing area and let the mother continue.

You may find after a kitten the mother might walk off and have a drink or something to eat. This doesn’t mean there are no more kittens to come, she is just taking a well deserved break. She may take 15 to 30 minutes in between kittens.

There should be no need for a vet to be present during the birthing process. In the rare case that a kitten gets stuck in the birthing canal for more than 10 minutes, your cat is in hard labour and having contractions for over an hour with no sign of a kitten, if a strong smelling green liquid appears or there is excessive bleeding then you should call a vet immediately.

The whole birthing process should take no longer than 6 or 7 hours. If after 7 hours no more kittens seem forthcoming and you are sure there are more inside then you should have a vet check her over. You should also count the placentas and make sure there are the same number as kittens. A placenta that gets left inside the mother can cause infection.

You should avoid touching the kittens for at least the first week. Let the mother care for them. She will take care of all their needs.

Congratulations, your pregnant cat is no longer pregnant and is instead the pr-oud mother of a litter of kittens.

Thank you for reading


Clinic for pregnancy check up

Salam & Good day everyone,

Yasterday evening I brought my lovely Genevie to Klana Jaya Veterinary Clinic which is located at Dataran Glomac behind Giant Klana Jaya Supermarket . In fact before this Genevie went for mating service with Donut(Dr Intan Cat) for a week , That's why I went to the clinic again after a few weeks in order to know the status of my princess whether she pregnant or not, According to Dr Wati , Its hard to make sure she already pregnant or not due to her stomach very small, its kind of difficult for the Dr to notify it ,at least we did not came back with nothing , Dr wati did notice that her nipple getting pink and bigger (one of the sign of pregnancy) at the same time after the mating period genevie did not on heat & no sign of calling at all( Sign of pregnancy as well).Lets pray for genevie healty & future babies. Thanks:)

I'll update more and more interesting story of my cat from time to time, just come & visit to my blog if you guys have a free time. Enjoy your weekend.

Introduction Of My Babies

Hello everyone,

As I promise before I will introduce you guys my babies , let's start with Genevie First , she's not new to me ,she's the existing one which been live with me for the past 2 years. she gave birth 2 kitten before, unfortunately one of her babies died , the other one that survive now belong to Fitri AF2.

Another princess in my house called Tiara, I bought Tiara from one of the pet shop at Petaling Street , I fall in love with her on the first sight , her fluffy fur & colour really attract me, according to the pet shop owner she's a Mainecoon mix Persian pure flat face , currently she's about 1 year old. Here it is her pic.

Last but not least ,lets welcome Romeo The only male Persian cat in my apartment, like Tiara I bought Romeo(Meo) From pet shop as well but not at the same place , I Bought him because for a long time I'm Looking for a bi-colour Red Van Persian, I guess this is my luck to have him, really obedient & very Manja Boy. Almost forgotten to tell his age, he currently 1 Year as well, Here I attach some of his pic.Enjoy :)

That's all about my babies so far,I'll update any latest activity or event for my cat form time to time, I hope you guys happy reading on my cat blog.Thanks


Happy NewYear

Salam & Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year Cat Lovers, Hope it's still not too late to wish you all Happy New Year!
I used to write about event of my cats of each months but I decided not to write for the past few months due to personal issue & I guess my previous post sort of like covers what happened to my cats last year - The major events.:)

There is few things that I would like to highlight today where by few of cats is not around any more for an instance Daisy(My Fav) & Alejandro due to the few circumstances that cannot be avoid .

Even all the long to find the right owner for my lovely cats , there are few things come up as well where people did not satisfied due to they can't adopt the cats, Whatever it is I do have a right to whom should I give the cat & I do apologize to those that can't adopt them.

Let's stop talking about all story and focus on the present story which much more updated & interesting I Guess, well I have 2 new Partner (cats) & One existing cat which is Genevie. I'm going to introduce you guys one by one this newbies in my life.
